If you've got ideas about projects we should get going, or you'd like to help run an event then send us an email at cragcaretasmania@gmail.com.

Want to help care for climbing areas?
Here's what you need to do:
Crag Care Tasmania is a branch of Wildcare Tasmania.
You will need to become a Wildcare Member.
This costs $25, covers our public liability insurance and gives us amazing support.
Once you're a member you then need to find the Crag Care Tasmania branch page on Wildcare's website and click 'Join this branch'.
Once you've done this you'll get an email each time we have a working bee with links to register.
You can also join our Facebook Group to become a part of the community and keep track of current events.
Please also consider joining the Climbers Club of Tasmania! It’s free and the more members that the CCT has, the more effectively it can advocate for climbers.
More info here.
If you've got ideas about projects we should get going, or you'd like to get involved then send us an email at cragcaretasmania@gmail.com